Kash is an Yoga instructor/ DJ & sound facilitator based in London. He is the founder of yogastasy.
Yoga is Ecstasy, its a unique style of Yoga that been mixed with Ecstatic Dance. It is a modern version of Hatha-Raja Yoga, fused with the vinyasa flow and Kundalini breathing techniques performed with high quality live sounds by using hypnosis frequencies to take you in a deeper meditative state and strong physical practice to keep your mind connected to your body in the present moment during the event.
Kash studied Hatha yoga and done his dissertation at university on micro hypnosis frequencies and how they can connect mind to body and improve concentration on day to day bases. With that said his workshops consists
guided meditation, breath work and practicing asanas.
Kash believes his past experience as a DJ to be extremely valuable. As he saw music and dancing as union factors of bringing people together. And in finding Yoga, all he could ever thought about was, “how would these two concepts merge and work together?” Yoga became the antidote to the excesses of DJ life, and my study of philosophy, anatomy and sequencing deepens as I became a teacher. And also as a DJ how to create playlists that elevate the experience of a student in class and how both music and yoga can be spiritual experiences. Kash is certain that his concept encourages positivity and well-being, and excited to share my experiences and ideas with as many people as he can reach.
INSTAGRAM – yogastasy