Trance Dance with Live Music
Of all instruments in the world, the drums are the most intriguing, because they remind us always of our mothers heartbeat.
TranceDance – Intuitive Healing Dance
One of the oldest and easiest ways to experience healing Trance states is dancing. Equipped with a blindfold, your feet planted on the ground, using the energizing breathing technique “breath of fire”, the journey begins: ‘Close your eyes, focus on your intention, start the breath of fire and begin to move in the rhythm of the music and you find yourself in trance…’ – in a state of alertness, awake and yet – in a vast inner space where the physical laws are not longer valid… you may encounter wild animals, spirits, angels, spiritual alliances, healers and guides… You may become or meet with other beings, find yourself in the forest or the mountains, in your past or future… Trust your body and let yourself be danced – and when the dance is over you will be richer, more clear, in peace…
TranceDance is one of the oldest ways of reconnecting with our inner forces – empowering, uplifting, energizing, motivating. A great way to step out of old habits and to look at your life in a different way.
Dancing without looking creates a different focus. The energy which is usually used to look out, getting approval, trying to connect with others – is used to look inwards, opening up to our emotions and memories. The approach of TranceDance is opposite to traditional dancing, no steps to learn, no moves to make, no special clothes to wear (except that is is a comfortable as possible). Instead you try to let go of control, let the body move by the rhythm.